We, JENEST, are the owner of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"). We are committed to protecting your privacy and security. This Privacy policy describes how we deal with the personal data that we process via our website or application managed by us and the services offered thereon (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").
By visiting our website or providing your personal data, you are accepting and consenting to the provisions of this Privacy policy. All personal data collected and processed by us is handled in strict compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) ("GDPR").

2. What kind of personal data do we collect on our website?

2.1 Registration or information requests through our website
When you register yourself in order to buy products or when you wish to receive information from our company, you can fill in a form on our website or send us an e-mail with your request for information.
In the form on our website we ask you to provide the following (personal) data, including special personal data, if necessary, for providing our services:
  1. First and last name
  2. Address
  3. Phone number
  4. E-mail address
  5. Date of birth (if you request us to submit a claim for reimbursement of your prescription glasses with your health insurance provider on your behalf)
  6. Password
  7. Bank account/credit card details

If you send us an email with your request for information, we process the personal data and information provided in your email.
We may combine the information you have provided with other information we have collected about you, both online and offline, including, for example your purchase history, your address, gender, prescription details and/or purchase date.
We can also combine them with information that we receive from the following sources: public information sources and information from external parties. For example, Google, Facebook or
If you provide us with personal data about another person, you declare that you are authorised to do so and that you allow us to use that information in accordance with this Privacy policy.

2.2 Automatically generated data
When using our Website, your IP address can be registered, or cookies or other technologies can be used (see also our cookie policy). In addition, we can surf, search and/or click on the Website and on websites of advertisers (including the web shops affiliated with us) or tracking. The IP address is stored in a temporary log file. We also share information about your use of our website with our trusted social media, advertising and analysis partners, such as Facebook in respect of the Facebook pixel.
A cookie is a small file that is sent along with pages of a website and stored by your browser on the hard disk of your computer. For example, cookie-related techniques are the use of fingerprints and scripts. With this data, sometimes personal data is stored or consulted. On the basis of this information you can be recognised on a later visit.
For more information, see our cookie policy for a detailed explanation of cookies and similar technologies that can be placed when visiting our website.

3. For which purpose and on which basis do we process the personal data?

3.1 We process personal data received from you, as laid out in article 2.1 (Registration or information requests through our website), for the following purposes:
  1. to fulfil our obligations with respect to the agreement for the sale of goods (for example for shipping and invoicing the ordered goods) or requested services, including invoicing;
  2. to contact you (by phone or by e-mail), to provide our, and to answer your questions or remarks and/or provide you with the requested information or advice;
  3. to secure your account and order information;
  4. to secure our business goals:
    1. for data analysis, for example to improve the efficiency of the Services;
    2. for audits, to check whether our internal processes function as intended and to comply with legal or contractual requirements;
    3. for fraud and security checks, for example for cyber-attacks or attempts at detecting and preventing identity theft;
    4. for the development of new products and services and to consider where to open new stores in the future;
    5. to supplement, improve or change our website or our products and services;
    6. to identify trends in the use of the Services, for example insights on which parts of our Services are most interesting for users;
    7. to determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, so that we can adapt them to the needs and interests of our users. We will carry out the above listed activities to manage our contractual relationship with you, to fulfil a legal obligation, and/or because of our legitimate interests.
  5. to analyse personal data (e.g. purchase history, prescription details, shipping country and/or city, language, gender) in order to provide personalised offers of our Services:
    1. to understand you better so that we can personalise our interactions with you and provide you with information and/or offers that are tailored to your interests;
    2. to better understand your preferences so that we can deliver content through the Services that we believe will be relevant and interesting to you. We will provide personalised offers of our Services with your permission or because of our legitimate interests.
  6. to send you our email newsletter with offers and information about similar products and services, but only if you have specifically opted in for this. Please note that you can always object to such use, via the 'unsubscribe’ link in our email newsletters.
  1. to comply with various legal obligations, including tax obligations.
  2. if you respond to an action or contest, we use the information to carry out the action, to announce the prize winner(s), and to measure the response to our marketing campaigns.

3.2 We also share information about your use of our website with our trusted social media, advertising and analysis partners (e.g. Facebook in respect of the Facebook pixel).

3.4 We will only make personal data available to third parties that are involved in the execution of the user’s order. These third parties process personal data according to our instructions and under our responsibility. This is recorded, and a processor agreement is concluded with these parties. We do not pass on your personal data to other third parties unless we are legally obliged to do so.

3.5 We use the automatically generated information, as laid out in article 2.2 (Automatically generated data), and your company data and personal data, as laid in out in article 2.1 (Registration or information requests through our website), to conduct analyses for internal research and statistical, strategic purpose, all in an aggregated form ("aggregated information"). This aggregated information does not identify you nor the company. We use the aggregated information to optimise our Website, Services and products and learn more about the use of our Website and products, so we can improve them.

4. Use by minors

The Services are not intended for use by persons under the age of 16. If you are younger than 16 years old, you cannot make use of the Services and you must refrain from providing personal data. If your child has unexpectedly submitted personal information to us and you wish to request that the same personal data be removed, please contact us. In Chapter 8 (Your rights with respect to your personal data) of this Privacy policy you will find out how you can contact us.

5. How long do we store and process the personal data?

5.1 JENEST shall process the personal data for a period of two years after your last order, or for as long as legally required or necessary and allowed for the purpose(s) for which it was obtained. Immediately after these periods we will destroy the personal data and/or anonymise them.

5.2 The criteria used to determine our retention periods include: (i) the duration of our ongoing relationship with you and the Services we offer you; (ii) whether or not there is a legal obligation to which we are subject; and (iii) whether or not custody is advisable due to our legal position (such as applicable limitation period(s), a court case or investigations by a supervisor).

5.3 Notwithstanding article 5.1, JENEST may process the personal data for a longer period (i) if you ask JENEST to keep data for a new two-year period, (ii) in order to comply with statutory retention periods (for example laid down in tax legislation) or (iii) in order to prove that it complies with applicable statutory obligations (for example with respect to the GDPR or e-mail marketing legislation).

6. How do we protect the personal data?

We shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard and protect the personal data against any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access or against any other unlawful or unauthorised processing of such personal data. Considering the state of technology and the costs of execution, these measures guarantee an appropriate level of security given the risks that come with processing and the nature of the data to be processed. For example, we make use of a secure SSL connection during the order process and when completing the registration form.

7. With whom do we share the personal data?

7.1 Without prejudice to articles 3, 7.1 and 7.2, we don’t transfer any personal and/or personal data to any third party without your explicit permission, unless it is obliged to do so under applicable legislation or by order of the competent supervisory authority.

7.2 However, please note that we may transfer your personal data and the information to our local stores, as laid out in article 3.

7.3 Furthermore, we may employ other companies, so-called data processors, which process personal data solely on our behalf. Such data processors are only entitled to process the personal data needed to perform their services and activities, in accordance with our written instructions. The processors guarantee that they have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that their processing meets the requirements of this Privacy policy and the GDPR and ensures the protection of the rights of all data subjects. The processing of personal data by a processor shall always be governed by a written data processing agreement between us and the processor.

8. Your rights with respect to your personal data

8.1 You have the right to obtain our confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal data, on request. The personal details you provide when registering a client with us can be viewed and altered at any time by you, on your account on the Website. You are also entitled to send our customer experience department ([email protected]) a request to receive such information. Furthermore, you are entitled to send our customer experience department ([email protected]) a request to access, receive, rectify or erase your personal data. We will process your request immediately and in accordance with the GDPR and we will send you a response without undue delay, at least within one month after the receipt of your written request.

8.2 You are entitled to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to our processing of your personal data at any time. We shall no longer process the personal data, unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. We will send you a response without undue delay, at least within one month after the receipt of your written request.

8.3 If you have any complaints about our processing of your personal data or your request, you can contact our customer experience department ([email protected]). If that doesn’t solve your complaints, you can, of course, always contact the Dutch supervisory authority ( or the competent court in the Netherlands.
8.4 If you have any further questions or remarks, please contact our customer experience department ([email protected]).

9Cross-border transfer

9.1 Your personal data can be stored and processed in every country where we have facilities or service providers. By using our Services or by giving us permission (where required by law), your information may be transferred to countries other than the country in which you live, including the United States, where other data protection laws differing from those in your own country may apply. Appropriate contractual and other measures have been taken to protect personal data when sent to our subsidiaries or third parties in other countries.

9.2 Some countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) are recognized by the European Commission as countries where an appropriate level of data protection applies according to the EEA standards. For transfers from the EEA to countries that in the opinion of the European Commission do not offer sufficient protection, we have ensured that adequate measures have been taken, among other things, by ensuring that the recipient is bound to EU standard data protection provisions, EU-US Privacy Shield certification or an EU-approved code of conduct or certification to protect your personal data. You may receive a copy of these measures by contacting our customer experience department ([email protected]) as explained in Chapter 8 (Your rights with respect to your personal data) above.

10. Third-party websites

Our website may contain (a number of) hyperlinks that lead to websites that are maintained by third parties. We cannot accept any responsibility for the content of these websites and for the way in which these websites deal with your data. Read the Privacy policy, if present, of the website you are visiting.


11. Revisions of this statement
Please note that this statement might be revised, for example due to revisions in the applicable legislation. The revised statement will be published on our website. We recommend checking our website and the Privacy policy on a regular basis. The last revision of this policy was made in September 2018.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2018

What are cookies?
Websites use useful techniques that increase its user-friendliness and that make the site as interesting as possible for every visitor. Well-known examples of this type of technique are cookies, tags / beacons and Javascripts (hereinafter referred to as "cookies"). Cookies can be used by website owners or third parties who communicate via the website that you visit.
The use of cookies is safe. For example, cookies do not store e-mail addresses or telephone numbers, so their use never leads to e-mail or telemarketing actions.
We think it is very important that you know which cookies our website ('Website') uses and for what purposes they are used. We want to ensure your privacy and user-friendliness of our website as much as possible. Below you can read more about the various cookies that are used by and through our Website and for what purposes.
According to the law, we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. We require your permission for all other types of cookies. By further clicking and using (or continuing to use) this Website you consent to the placement and reading of cookies when you visit our Website.
This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages. 
Strictly necessary cookies
Strictly necessary cookies enable you to move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, we will not be able to provide certain features, such as automatic forwarding to the least busy server, or remembering your wish lists.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies record information about choices that you have made, and they also allow us to tailor the Website to suit your needs. We also use cookies to save your category/segment preference.
Our Website uses functional cookies for:

  1. saving preferences, such as the location, search topic and search type (person / company);
  2. offering the possibility to save log-in data so that you do not have to enter it every time you want to log in to your JENEST account;
  3. offering the possibility to save log-in data so that you do not have to enter it every time;
  4. reading out your browser settings in order to optimally display our Website on your screen;
  5. passing information from one page to the next page, so that you do not always have to enter the same information;
  6. the uniform loading of the Website, so that the site remains accessible;
  7. make it possible to respond / give feedback on our Website.
  8. store the live chat conversations, allowing users to view their chat history when they return to our website.
  9. store cart contents, allowing users to view their cart contents when they return to our site.

You can delete permanent cookies via the settings of your browser.
Tracking cookies
With your consent we place cookies on your equipment, which can be requested as soon as you visit a website from our network. Tracking cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The tracking cookies track you through our Website and the rest of the internet to match e.g. content and advertisements to your surfing behaviour. This data is stored in a database in a personalized way. We use these cookies for example to improve the design of our website, improve the user experience and for remarketing.
This website also contains a Facebook pixel. We herewith share information about your use of our website with our trusted social media, advertising and analysis partners for advertising purposes. The pixel is loaded every time the website is visited and will a.o. determine which action on our site has been completed Facebook user is on our website, which page has been visited, which glasses have been viewed, how many products have been viewed, items in shopping bag, content of an (Home Try) order, booking of eye test.
Google Analytics
With your consent, through our website a cookie is placed from the American company Google, as part of their "Analytics" service. We use this service to track and get reports on how visitors use the website. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence on this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services.
In order to determine which parts of the websites are most interesting to our visitors, we try to continuously measure how many visitors come to our website and what is viewed the most. We use cookies for this. Statistics are generated from the information we collect. These statistics give us insight into how often web pages are visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the websites as user-friendly as possible for you. We do not reduce the statistics and other reports to persons.
Click here for Google's privacy statement.
Social media
On our website buttons are included to promote web pages ("like") or share on social networks like Facebook & Instagram. These buttons work through pieces of code that come from these social networks itself. Cookies are placed through this code. We have no influence on that. Read the privacy statement of Facebook or Instagram (which can change regularly) to read what they do with your (personal) data that they process via these cookies.
The information they collect is anonymized as much as possible. The information is transferred to and through Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat, Google + and LinkedIn stored on servers in the United States. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google + adhere to the Privacy Shield principles and are affiliated with the Privacy Shield program of the US Department of Commerce. This means that there is an appropriate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.
Because of the way in which the internet and websites work, it may be that we do not always have insight into the cookies that third parties place via our Website.
Should you encounter cookies on this Website that fall into this category and that we have not mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they put, what the reason is, what the lifespan of the cookie is and how they have guaranteed your privacy.

We use Shopify to run our webshop, you can find there Cookie policy here.

Can I turn off cookies?
If you don’t want to receive cookies, you can modify your browser so that it notifies you when cookies are sent to it, or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies that have already been set.
If you wish to restrict or block web browser cookies which are set on your device, then you can do this through your browser settings. The 'Help' function within your browser should tell you how to restrict or block web browser cookies. Alternatively, you may wish to visit, which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of desktop browsers.
You can choose whether to accept cookies that are set by JENEST and their third-party suppliers, through the cookie consent banner.
Be aware that if you do not accept cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our Website is working properly. It is possible that some functions of the site are lost or even that you cannot parts of the Website at all.
By visiting our Website or providing your personal data, you are accepting and consenting to the provisions of this Terms & Conditions page.
Final remarks
We will have to adjust this Statement from time to time, because, for example, our Website or the rules re cookies change. We may change the content of the Statement and the cookies included in the lists always and without prior notice. You can consult this web page for the latest version. The last revision is made in September 2018. If you have any questions and / or comments, please contact:
Dirftlaan 20
1261 JJ Blaricum 
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 44219762
If you have any questions or remarks, please contact our customer experience department [email protected].

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2018